
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Love your Sysadmin like they love your systems on SysAdmin Appreciation Day!

Sometimes their jokes can be a little left of field, and sometimes you roll the dice and hope you haven't hired a Bastard Operator From Hell, but SysAdmins do a lot of hardwork in the hours that you and I don't want to be working.

This Friday is SysAdmin Appreciation day, so why not take some time out to appreciate your under appreciated, late night keyboard jockeys and 24/7 on call saviours?

Buy them a slab of caffeinated drinks, an unusual Rubik's cube, a bottle of good Scotch whiskey, even that weird old computer you've had at the back of your cupboard for 10 years will probably make their eyes light up. Later remember safe and warm in your bed at 3am that it's not you on call that night out in the cold with blinking terminals peering out at you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Missed Girl Geek Dinners at Google Sydney? Watch the speeches on YouTube

Recently I was involved in helping run a Girl Geek Dinner event at the Google Sydney office and we had an overwhelming response and a great night. It even made the official Google Australia blog!

If you weren't able to attend or watch the Livestream you might be interested to know that both the key note speech from Mary Gardiner from the Ada Initiative and lightning talks from some of our female Google software engineers and the organiser of Girl Geek Dinners are available on YouTube. Apparently I'm in them, complete with bad jokes.


Lightning Talks:

Love this? Live in Sydney? Come to our next event! You can read all about Girl Geek Dinners on the official blog.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

More reasons to love Nathan Fillion

I've been travelling a lot the last few weeks so apologies for the radio silence. To put you back in a Nerd Girl mood here's Nathan Fillion earning more geek love through his PSA to help end "swamp ass" a terrible affliction that haunts many a hardcore gamer.